Did you know you’re a powerful creator and you come from an all encompassing, unconditionally loving source? Be encouraged by these posts that come from my soul to yours. xoxo
Flowing With God vs. Struggling With Self

Flowing With God vs. Struggling With Self

I recently experienced a mishap with my song launch email, highlighting the struggle between flowing with God and following self-driven plans. Despite initial embarrassment, I recognized it as divine guidance. Trusting God’s unconventional ways, I’ve learned to surrender and witness unexpected blessings.

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Unveiling Our Vibrational Universe

Unveiling Our Vibrational Universe

For the past few months I’ve been diving deep into the world of frequency and vibration. Wow!! It’s been mind blowing, eye-opening and extremely fulfilling, to say the least! I’ve always known that the Universe is much more than what we can detect with our 5 senses....

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Finding God In The Space Between Us

Finding God In The Space Between Us

Hi Divine Friend! As humans, we tend to look for the Divine in certain belief systems, dogmas and religions, but what if we've been looking in all the wrong places? Much thinking and understanding of existence in the Western world has been based on the "First...

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Your Problems Are Healing You

Your Problems Are Healing You

Hi Perfect One, Fear, hate, rage, unworthiness, jealousy, depression, anger, pain, resentment, guilt and shame, at times, seem to have so much power over us! The very mention of the words can send shivers down our spine. They can cause us to feel paralyzed; to want to...

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A 13.8 Billion Year Journey. What Comes Next?

A 13.8 Billion Year Journey. What Comes Next?

Hi Unifying Force! If we're really honest with ourselves we can see that the majority of our lives are spent in search of something. We feel a need for something other than what we already have or have known. Something more fulfilling, something that will quench our...

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Religion: Is There A Right Way?

Religion: Is There A Right Way?

Hi Love, In a world of countless religions, perspectives, ideas, practices and faiths, how do we choose? Which way is the right way? Is the condition of our soul dependent upon which way we choose to go? Most God-fearing men and women would say with great conviction a...

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How this One Mantra Saved Me From Fear

How this One Mantra Saved Me From Fear

Hi Powerful One, Did you know fear is poison? There was a time in my life when fear had become so familiar to me that I thought it was my friend. After all, living in fear was accepted by those around me, so I had no reason to abandon it. Furthermore, I was taught to...

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