by Sharla Ember | Oct 28, 2015 | Blog, Recipes
Hi Love, Autumn is finally here! This time of year just wouldn’t be the same without the scent of pumpkin baking in the oven. These pumpkin muffins with pecan streusel are guaranteed to catapult you right into the middle of a pumpkin patch with a scarecrow...
by Sharla Ember | Oct 12, 2015 | Blog, Healing Practices
In order to heal your gut, many foods may need to be either permanently or temporarily removed from or added to your diet. We have grown accustomed to eating incredible amounts of sugar and other foods that deplete our system of vital nutrients. Our bodies have not...
by Sharla Ember | Apr 13, 2015 | Blog, Recipes
Hi Beautiful! On a blustery, winter’s day, amongst the falling leaves of autumn, or even in the middle of spring for that matter, there’s not much else that will satisfy more than a steamy bowl of chili. At our home we partake in the mouth-watering, sinus...