Paleo Pumpkin Pie

Paleo Pumpkin Pie

Welcome Pumpkin Lover! Pumpkin pie, a Thanksgiving classic, is divinely satisfying. This paleo version does not dissappoint. I make it with stevia, so not only is it paleo, it’s a sugar-free indulgence as well. Personally, I feel it is equally as delightful as a...
Paleo Mashed Potatoes (aka Cauliflower Mash)

Paleo Mashed Potatoes (aka Cauliflower Mash)

Hi Beautiful! Before eating paleo, cauliflower was not a vegetable I ate very often…if ever. Typically, it would be left on my plate right along with snap peas. Since going paleo, cauliflower has become one of my favorite vegetable staples. I never realized how...
Paleo Pie Crust

Paleo Pie Crust

Hi Pie Lover! Pie crusts can be finicky even when using wheat flour, but adding the extra element of making it paleo, introduces even more of a challenge. This year I decided to take the plunge and see what I could come up with. I wanted something flaky and buttery...
Butternut Squash Casserole with Struesel

Butternut Squash Casserole with Struesel

Hi Love! This butternut squash casserole with streusel is divine. My children can’t stop eating it and, well, I have to admit, neither can I! The smooth and luxurious squash with the sweet, crispy streusel is absolutely the perfect combination and a must have...
A Fasting Track to Healing

A Fasting Track to Healing

An extensive log documenting healing through intermittent fasting.   Hello Beautiful Friends! Do you struggle with eczema or another skin condition? I do… But did you know we don’t have to live with hand eczema forever! I’ve had many ups and...
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