Hi! Thank you for stopping by. I’m a musical mystic, sound healer, singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and gut health enthusiast. My passion is to hold space for unconditional love through channeled and original music. I believe this attracts others to heal, awaken and return to their natural state of being which is wholeness and love.
I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian tradition and served as a worship leader for many years. After having an encounter with divine unconditional love and realizing that God IS unconditional love, I left the dogma of Christianity to embark on a soul journey free from the oppressive fear I grew up with.
I discovered a new path that has no room for fear while still embracing some of the impactful loving aspects of the experience from my past.
Although judgment, separation, and fear seem to permeate throughout much of the modern church, I also experienced a powerful and passionate connection to God/Spirit as being the one who is loving towards me. Although, my desire for a fearless love has taken me beyond what the church was able to offer at that time.
I began to know God outside of the church walls and found that God’s infinite grace and Love exist everywhere and in absolutely everything. Furthermore, I was introduced to the Law of Attraction principles, The Power of Now and an approach that includes metaphysics, frequency healing, sacred tones, meditation, the mystical, all religions, all cultures, and all people. It’s changed everything!
I now have a passion to fuse the two approaches together; the passionate love between God and man as well as knowing we are the manifestation of God itself.
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Concerts • Sound Healing • Group Activations
A little more about me…
I’m a life adventurer, externally as well as internally. I’m a huge dork, who believes we need to make crazy, unbridled, loud sounds and body movements on a regular basis without inhibition. Music feels like my truest voice. The love of people, different cultures, and music has taken me around the world from Bulgaria to Brazil, Trinidad to Denmark, London to New York. Each place has left an imprint on my heart of beauty and wonder. I love our diversity! I celebrate all the remarkable cultures and people throughout the world.
I have 4 incredible boys and an amazing husband who constantly challenges me to be true to who I am. We share an extraordinary journey together, stretching what has become comfortable, believing in the “all possible” and daring to be our authentic selves, no matter what the cost. It’s rough at times, but so incredibly rewarding!
My children continuously fill me with a greater understanding of love, because it’s really hard to love them sometimes!! Seriously, kids will be kids, and I have beyond beautiful, intelligent and infinitely amazing ones! Every single day, I feel inspired to have these little mystifying teachers in my life.
I hope you will stick around awhile. I’d like to get to know you! If you’re interested in receiving a weekly dose of heartfelt articles bursting with encouragement to hopefully help you see how great you are and the world around us, then subscribe and don’t forget to check out the Sacred Soul Circle Facebook Group. Love to you!!
Sharla xo