Creamy Carrot, Strawberry and Walnut Salad
Hi Love! I feel that one of the most important keys to having success with a gut healthy diet is to have plenty of food on hand that is gut healthy approved. It's too easy to veer off path when all there is in the cupboard are chips and cookies that your children...

Almond Butter Cups
Hello Lovelies, When I realized that I needed to cut sugar out of my diet completely due to candida overgrowth, I was determined to find sweet replacements - especially for the chocolate! I'm not just any chocolate lover. Honestly, you could probably put me in the...

Shepherd’s Pie (Paleo)
Hi Friend! Shepherd's Pie is one of those meals that has the ability to wrap its arms around you and make everything feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And with a name like Shepherd's Pie one may picture those arms to be soft, little, fuzzy, white sheep arms. ...or maybe...

Paleo Chocolate Shake
Hi Chocolate Lover! Is there anything more satisfying than ice cream? In my opinion, the answer is no! However, if healing your gut is your goal, indulging in the creamy sweetness, and mouth watering yumminess is not an option. Or is it? Seriously, ice cream and...

Mexican Chicken “Rice” Bowl
Hola Hermosa! Finding creative, flavorful and easy recipes with no grains, no dairy and no sugar is essential for success when you want to heal your gut. There's absolutely no reason to be bound to sad plates of meat and veggies night after night! And there's...

Chicken Curry Soup
Hello Beauty! I knew when I started my gut healing journey that soup would become a staple, so I set off to create a great one that I would enjoy time and again. This Chicken Curry Soup has been refined many times to make it just right. Not only is it comforting and...

Spaghetti Squash (Paleo) Breakfast Bowl
Hello Friends! Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day! I typically make a kale and onion frittata, but pasta? I saw a non-paleo version of this dish and just had to try it the paleo way with spaghetti squash. Oh my goodness, it's amazing! You get a nice...

Seared Chicken Thighs with Cauliflower Puree
Hi Lovelies! This meal is a staple in our house and was inspired by a blog that I love, These flavors are classic and the meal is so easy to make. It's one of those recipes that just never gets old. Although, it's simple, it's sure to impress any dinner...

4 Ways Bone Broth Makes Your Life Better
Hello Gut Healers! If you don't already know, bone broth has a wealth of goodness! If you're in need of a major turn around in your health, adding bone broth to your diet is an absolute must! I can't say it enough. For centuries, people have associated healing with...

Strawberry Frosting
Hi Strawberry Lovers! Divine. That is the word I would use to describe this creamy, mouthwatering, succulent, heavenly frosting! (Well, I guess I'll use those words too). I'm in love with this frosting and so are my kiddos! I use my homemade strawberry preserves to...

Paleo Strawberry Muffins with Strawberry Frosting
Hi LoveLights! Okay, so these muffins are kind of ridiculously ahhhmazing!! I whipped them up the other day 'cause I had some extra homemade strawberry preserves that needed to be used up (which by the way is easy peasy to make). Oh B'Jesus! I'm in love. Using the...

Simple Strawberry Preserves
Hi Sweetness! You may not realize that preserves is one of the easiest and tastiest things to make! It's great for those of us who want to add some sweetness to our lives without overloading on sugar. If you're wanting to correct a health issue rooted in inflammation,...

Paleo Banana Nut Muffins
Hi Loves! These muffins have been a close friend. They were the first of my paleo creations when I was trying to figure out what to eat and it's been a recipe that I have used almost every week. I created them so that I could have something bread-like and healthy to...

Paleo Hot Cocoa
Hello Chocolate Lovers! I am slightly obsessed with chocolate. So I'm always wanting to come up with new chocolatey pleasures. This Paleo Hot Cocoa recipe is simple and fabulous! The smooth coconut cream mixed with raw cocao and a hint of vanilla is a velvety...

Classic Thanksgiving Recipe Menu Made The Paleo Way
Hi Beautiful! Thanksgiving is upon us. It's a time of year filled with family, friends, toasty fires, and of course, copious amounts of incredible food! In 2012, my first year of strict paleo, Thanksgiving dinner, unfortunately, didn't manifest in the smoothest of...

Thanksgiving Turkey
Hi Love, Turkey has long been at the heart of the holiday season. There are so many ways it can be eaten, but roasting a whole turkey, I believe, is the best way to enjoy it! And cooking one is simpler than it looks! To stay true to the paleo way, be sure to use...

Paleo Pumpkin Pie
Welcome Pumpkin Lover! Pumpkin pie, a Thanksgiving classic, is divinely satisfying. This paleo version does not dissappoint. I make it with stevia, so not only is it paleo, it's a sugar-free indulgence as well. Personally, I feel it is equally as delightful as a pie...

Paleo Mashed Potatoes (aka Cauliflower Mash)
Hi Beautiful! Before eating paleo, cauliflower was not a vegetable I ate very often...if ever. Typically, it would be left on my plate right along with snap peas. Since going paleo, cauliflower has become one of my favorite vegetable staples. I never realized how...

Paleo Pie Crust
Hi Pie Lover! Pie crusts can be finicky even when using wheat flour, but adding the extra element of making it paleo, introduces even more of a challenge. This year I decided to take the plunge and see what I could come up with. I wanted something flaky and buttery...

Butternut Squash Casserole with Struesel
Hi Love! This butternut squash casserole with streusel is divine. My children can't stop eating it and, well, I have to admit, neither can I! The smooth and luxurious squash with the sweet, crispy streusel is absolutely the perfect combination and a must have...